[EVAL-350] - A notepad commentary box has been added for use when the ‘Allow commentary’ option is activated by the Evaluator
[EVAL-351] - A commentary box has been added to each 'Additional Data' question when the ‘Allow commentary’ option is activated by the Evaluator
[EVAL-362] - An Evaluatee’s prior year Position Level now displays on the ‘People I’m Evaluating’ Dashboard
[EVAL-198] - Switching Evaluators on the Evaluator Dashboard now warns the Evaluator the evaluatee will be removed from their dashboard
[EVAL-214] - 'Show Other Task' option now displays all information on tasks and the task is available for editing
[EVAL-286] - Print pop-up notifications display upon initial generation in the Observation modal
[EVAL-288] - The notepad timestamp has been updated to no longer display the logged in user's name
[EVAL-303] - Sorting on PLC tab first sorts by Due Date, then Scheduled Date if one is present
[EVAL-307] - Users can now save the notepad using keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl + S
[EVAL-365] - Columns on a ‘Mid-Year’ type task display now in a cleaner format
[EVAL-369] - Task ordering now sorts first by Due Date, then Scheduled date if one is present. All dates display on the task list if present; the Completed date is no longer part of the sorting.
[EVAL-368] - The Criterion selection screen now allows for users to expand the column headers
[EVAL-341] - Discrepancy between Monitor and Evaluator Dashboards on ‘Late Tasks’ total has been corrected
[EVAL-354] - A user’s ability to mark a task complete before required questions are completed has been corrected
Custom Configuration
[EVAL-372] - Maine SD #72 - Summary page has been adjusted to display column headers cleaner and provide a print out based on the screen view
[CON-75] - Morton - Custom Summary print created for other types of evaluations
[CON-63] - Selah - Custom Summary print created to include additional information
[CON-91] - CDA - Custom Summary print created for other types of evaluations
[CON-58] - Snoqualmie Valley - Custom Task print created for Focused task printing
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