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School Data Solutions
Homeroom Dashboards Connect
Homeroom Dashboards
Transform a mountain of data into clear visualizations that help you see trends and take action. Homeroom Dashboards ...
Homeroom Data Admin
Data Admin is a data management application for the different School Data Solutions products. Upload data, manage use...
Professional Development Opportunities
See upcoming courses or access completed course videos and presentations
3rd Party Integration with SDS
SDS will work with any 3rd party vendor to integrate their data into our applications. For example, we worked with R...
504 Plan
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 continues to be an area requiring guidance for both parents and school ...
Absence Response
Identify learning barriers before they pose a graduation risk. Compare absenteeism across student groups, filtered by...
ALE Management
The ALE Management Application is a powerful, flexible tool that focuses on compliance with state guidelines, but all...
Career Planner
In partnership with WOIS and powered by their vetted data, Career Planner allows students to easily learn about thems...
Chart Dashboards
Chart Dashboards provide a way to create your own custom dashboards to focus on collections of data around specific t...
Looking for clear and concise data? The Charts App is designed for you to share your data visually in a simple, easy-...
Classroom is an integrated solution to manage, administer, and report on student assignments and assessments. It full...
Data Tables
Data Tables is a fast and easy method to generate multiple data sets using basic data input selections. Like Data Gri...
Our new version of Evaluations is ready! Email if you need assistance or gaining access.
Four Year Plans
Create a personalized plan that helps to explore courses that match a personal pathway and fulfill graduation require...
Future Ready Skills
Future Ready Skills specifically addresses the skills and dispositions essential to success but aren’t typically foun...
Graduation Monitor
Graduation Monitor pulls data from your district's student information system, state test scores, career planner, fou...
High School & Beyond
Applications part of the HS&B bundle: Career Planner, Four Year Plans, Graduation Monitor, Future Ready Skills, and R...
Highly Capable Student Learning Plans
Educators can create flexible, customizable plans that follow students to monitor progress and growth.
Individual Health Plans
Share the precise info needed to prevent and treat student health issues, like allergic reactions or asthma attacks.
Intervention Plans
Educators can establish, manage, and monitor your district’s specific interventions and accommodations using the Inte...
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) / School Improvement
We enable district administration and directors to gain a common perspective and make informed decisions through a se...
Meeting Needs
A scheduling system with transparency, accountability and oversight to meet student's needs.
Notification Letters
Notification Letters encompasses three different themes revolving around keeping guardians informed of student data.
Professional Development System (PDS)
All the tools you need to create and approve courses, register attendees, collect evaluations, and credit clock hours...
Our Reports application is designed to help you generate form letters, produce student progress reports, and combine ...
Risk Indicators
Risk Indicators let school districts utilize any available data point as a measure to determine risk and give stakeho...
Student Data Grids
Student data you need, when you need it. Student Data Grids are a comprehensive and customized spreadsheet listing y...
Student Details Manager
This app will allow you to manage properties about a student.
Student Group Manager
Build meaningful student segments. Powerful filters let you integrate all your data sources and create groups for one...