*** Featured Feature
New Feature
- [RM-348] - Credits Earned is now configurable by Subject Area in the Term Grade Count Data Point. Please Note: this is in preparation of the Graduation Monitoring Tool.
- [RM-417] - In the Risk Manager application, a link has been added on the left-hand side called Individual Risk Profiles. This allows the user to browse an individual student’s risk.***
- [RM-487] - A Canvas (Instructure) gradebook data point is now available for configuration.
- [RM-692] - Ability to Flag Risk for Student's Attendance by a single school or multiple schools.
- [RM-372] - Added User Defined Description options for Risk Value and Risk Level column headers
- [RM-430] - Risk Manager - Default Risk Levels tab user interface elements such as the add and remove risk level buttons are more easily accessible.
- [RM-436] - Current Status: no longer stuck on Queued
- [RM-497] - Current Status: no longer results in Data Collection Error
- [RM-676] - Users can now open the Configure window for 'External Gradebook Count' data point
District Specific Configuration
- [RM-677] - Issaquah - Configure Middle School Risk Index for Issaquah
- [RM-690] - Issaquah - Adjust High School Risk Index for Issaquah
- [RM-687] - Issaquah - The Category List is now displaying all categories
- [RM-447] - Evergreen - Create Attendance Risk Indicators - To Be Used For Notification
- [RM-686] - Battleground - Removed Risk Indicators From View In Homeroom Risk Indicator Viewer
- [RM-681] - Snoqualmie - STAR Assessment Data is now populating in Elementary and Middle School Risk Indices
- [RM-671] - University Place - Current Gradebook Ds and Fs data point now pulling correct semester 1 grade count despite missing Q1 grade
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