[FYP-213] - When a student requests a credit waiver, an email notification is now sent to the student, his or her Advisor, and the student's guardian(s).***
[FYP-298] - Preferred Job selection on the FYP Details tab is now retained when the tab is saved and refreshed
District Specific
[FYP-292] - Richland - Create and Upload Common Plans for current (17/18) 8th graders
[FYP-293] - Richland - Update the label of FYPs to reference graduate year
[FYP-294] - Richland - Remove the Four Year Plan Annual Graduation Course Requirements “Social Sciences and History”
[FYP-295] - Richland - Change the Four Year Plan Annual Graduation Course Requirements “Consumer Economics” to "Careers and Financial Literacy"
[FYP-242] - Richland - Add student email addresses to student Application User Accounts
[FYP-243] - Richland - Updated Course names to incorporate S1 and S2
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