Classroom is a web-based tool for students to access, manage, complete, submit, and review coursework and assessments required by one or many teachers.
- Students can work on assignments from anywhere with an internet connection. They can start an assignment and return to it anytime, completing assignments over several sessions if needed before submitting their work to teachers.
- If a student does not have regular internet or computer access, all assignments can be printed, and the student can complete them traditionally.
- Students with special needs can use built-in browsers and operating system tools or third-party software programs to increase the material's size, read the assignments aloud, or translate them into their native language.
- The formative assessment provides students with additional learning opportunities through distractor analysis. If the student answers a question incorrectly, they are given the correct answer and the reasoning behind it.
- Students can easily access any material they must read or review in the form of attached passages.
- Students can monitor their progress in a class as coursework or assessments are scored, knowing immediately if they need additional help.
- Once posted, students can see the final grade for each assignment or assessment.
- Students can also view their report card or progress report from each teacher's gradebook.
- Students can use Classroom as a study tool, reviewing what they submitted after an assignment or assessment is closed to see where they erred and identify which areas they may need to work on.
- And students can share all of this information with their parents.
Quick Links
Students securely log in to Classroom with a district-assigned username and password to access assignments or assessments in Classroom. https://[STUDENTSDISTRICT]
NOTE: Each school district has a unique URL for the Classroom application. Where the instructions show an address like “,” you’ll insert your district’s name in place of the bolded type, such as “”
To log in, type in your Username and Password and Sign in. The username is usually the username and password for your SIS (Skyward, PowerSchool, SchoolMaster). If you are having trouble logging in, resetting your password is the quickest way to fix it. Contact your district's School Data Solutions Administrator if you need help with a username or password.
Assignments (back to Quick Links)
Once logged in, the student is presented with the Home window, which allows easy access to all their courses and assignments. The default view is “Current” assignments.
Students can view availability (past, current, and future) assignments and see the status of the assignments available to complete (Open, Submitted On-Time, Missing, Closed).
- Past - Assignments that have either been taken by the student or the assignment is marked missing because it is past the closed date and is no longer available to access.
- Current - Assignments that are open for the student to take. If the student has already taken an assignment, it will main on the list until the assignment has reached its due date.
- Future - These assignments are not open yet, and the student cannot take them. This is useful for the student in the planning and preparation steps within a learning process.
Once graded, the student can also view the score, percent, and grade.
The student selects the blue hyperlink Current and Open to access a published, open assignment.
Filter by typing a word in the search box, selecting the filter icon, and then checking the box(s) of choice.
Once a student selects an assignment to complete, a new browser window will open, and they are directed to the assignment. The student selects a question on the left, and the possible answers are listed on the right. The student marks answers on the right as they move through the assignment. Answered questions will automatically receive a checkmark. Students can select the Flag Question option for any question, which allows them to return to that question and review their answer before marking the assignment complete. The student can reset their answers by clicking the Reset Answer button and maneuvering through the assignment’s questions using the back arrow and forward arrow buttons at the top of the right of the window.
Once the student has answered all the questions, they can review the assignment before marking it complete by selecting Review & Submit. They can return to Incomplete or Flagged Questions by clicking the Question #. Once satisfied with their choices, the student should select Submit My Assignment, which completes the assignment and submits it to their teacher.
Before Classroom submits the assignment to the teacher, the student will be offered a final warning. Once the student selects Yes on the Final Warning screen, there is no opportunity to reaccess the assignment or correct answers, and the teacher is notified of its completion in real time. To cancel, click the “x.”
Show All will present a full list of questions and answers.
Assignment question types that are multiple-choice and true-false are automatically scored. However, any student’s answer and final score may be modified at the teacher's discretion.
In Classroom, periods of inactivity will cause the session to expire and force the student to be logged out. A forced logout does not mean the student will lose work. All assignments and the student’s progress are automatically saved.
Progress Report (back to Quick Links)
You can view your progress reports from Progress Report in your left navigation menu. Turn on the gradebook with the toggle. Filter by terms as needed with the drop-down menu.
You may also Download a pdf report card. A pdf document will appear in your notifications once it is ready.
Grades (back to Quick Links)
From Grades in your left navigation menu, you can see term and non-academic grades in your gradebooks —filter by keyword or gradebook to narrow the results.
Links (back to Quick Links)
You can view any Links the teacher has linked of materials that would be helpful to review - filter by keyword or gradebook to narrow the results.
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