[CLASSROOM-701] - Corrected warning icon which occurred when Disabling "Standards Requirement" for a Gradebook was toggled on.
[CLASSROOM-741] - Fixed issue which didn’t allow approving a Shared Bank Candidate.
[CLASSROOM-750] - Fixed issue with inability to access Scoring Tab to modify Scores for an Assignment
[CLASSROOM-755] - Question Label is saved after being added to a Gradebook/ Assignment.
[CLASSROOM-764] - Question Label being saved during import of Assignment Template into Gradebook
[CLASSROOM-767] - Fixed issue where Adding an Assignment from a Shared Bank into a Gradebook was losing Assignment Points and Color Bands.
[CLASSROOM-776] - Fixed issue where Import of Assignment from My Assignment Bank was losing Omit Scoring and Threshold for Meeting Standard
[CLASSROOM-779] - Fixed issue where Scoring template was not updating final scores
[CLASSROOM-780] - Fixed issue with inability to Edit a Duplicated Question.
[CLASSROOM-771] - Created a Better indication of newly duplicated items.
New Feature
[CLASSROOM-768] - Added new item analysis chart to cover EOARS required reporting.
[CLASSROOM-775] - Added tooltips to Question Labels in Scoring User Interface
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