Upon completion of a Class, grades awarded and credits earned can be entered by the Certificated Teacher and Registrar Role for all students enrolled in the class. These are recorded on the Student Learning Plan's corresponding subject/course record. *Please note that this feature is only available for programs utilizing enrollment method 2; in enrollment method 1, many classes can correspond to a single subject/course record.*
On the Registrar Role, navigate to Courses/Classes in the left navigation menu, then choose All Classes. Locate the class you would like to enter data for and click on the name to open the class.
Next, navigate to the Grades Tab. Down the left-hand side, you will see a list of all students enrolled in the class. Depending on how the class was scheduled, you may see two terms (Semesters/Quarters) or one. Use the Row Actions & Options gear to select Edit for the student you wish to enter data for.
A form will open. Designate the Class Term (required) you are entering data for, Grade Selection (optional), and/or the Credits Earned (optional). Click Save, and the data will display in the table.
The data is also automatically recorded in the student’s corresponding subject/course record in the Results section, viewable by the Certificated Teacher. Likewise, if results are recorded by the certificated teacher in the Class Term Grades section of the student learning plan, they will be displayed in the Grades Tab of the corresponding Class.
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