***** = Featured Feature
New Feature
[EVAL-45] - Evaluator Dashboard: a quick list view of Evaluatees late / completed / all tasks
[EVAL-50] - There is now a provided way for the district to direct all staff to Version 2 of Evaluations
[EVAL-162] - On the Summary, Evaluators/Evaluatees now have the ability to flag which criterion is focused and which are not, indicated by the blue and gray corners
- [EVAL 213] - You now can enter in the timestamp by using a short cut on the notepad! The short cut: ctrl+shift+T will add the timestamp text.
[EVAL-49] - No longer display ‘Unsupported Focus’ banner message
[EVAL 190] - When selecting the “only focus/required criteria” selection under the gear option when in an observation, it will continue to persists throughout the application
[EVAL 210] - When using the send meeting details feature, it will also sends an email to the one sending and provides evaluatee name. *****
[EVAL-206] - On the notepad when you type in your notes as an evaluator, highlighting the text and selecting the criteria process is MUCH faster and easier
[EVAL - 232] When adding notes to your criterion on your observation, it now gives you a warning sign if you select cancel after writing notes
[EVAL-207] - When the Evaluator clicks on Evaluations Dashboard, it now takes them to the “people I’m evaluating tab” versus their “self evaluation” *****
- [EVAL-241] - When the 'show focus/required criteria' option is selected, include only those marked as required (red corner marks) or focused (blue corner marks) criteria in the print
[EVAL-265] - When the 'show notepad' option is selected, include the notepad notes in the print
- [EVAL-209] - Spell check now works in all note boxes and on the notepad! *****
- [EVAL 211] - Student Growth Chart is now embedded into Evaluations. Next to the Chart section you will see a chart icon which will allow you to directory add the student growth chart ***** [watch the video]
- [EVAL-235] - Open Evaluation option for Evaluation task erring when Evaluator is not the Evaluator of record for the selected historical school year.
- [EVAL-177] - "Import Task Info" process is now copying all note boxes
- [EVAL-192] - User associated criteria to a Data Collection box now does not associate to the same box on all tasks, it is removed instead
- [EVAL 197] - When switching position levels for an evaluatee, a warning message now pops up letting you know the tasks will be changed
- [EVAL 202] - Preliminary summative rating on the summary page now displays correctly, not all undefined.
- [EVAL - 216] - Before when impersonating, you had to refresh the page. Now you do not have to, just enter in who you want to impersonate and go and it will work.
- [EVAL-217] - Summary: Evaluatees now cannot enter notes in the final column
- [EVAL - 222] - Evaluators are now able to view historical data even if they weren’t the evaluates previous year evaluator. *****
- [EVAL - 223] - For Marzano districts who have categories for their criterion indicators, there now are two separate sections for key indicator - student evidence and teacher evidence.
- [EVAL - 233] - You can now successfully remove web links from your tasks
- [EVAL- 237] For better user experience, clicking the corner criterion for focus now stays in place, the list doesn’t automatically scroll.
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