ALE Basics for Office Staff
Here you will find Help Documents covering tasks that are completed by the office and administrative staff in an ALE program including users with the Secretary, Registrar, Data Admin, Librarian and Program Manger Roles.
- ALE Application: Assigning/Editing User Permissions
- ALE Application: Canceling vs. Deleting a Class
- ALE Application "Concluding" a Student Learning Plan
- ALE Application: Copying in Progress Courses from One School Year to the Next
- ALE Application: Creating a Temporary Student Record
- ALE Application: Deactivating School Support Staff
- ALE Application: Enable/Disable Weekly Contact Requirements for School Year Weeks
- ALE Application: Event Calendar
- ALE Application: FTE Tracking and Monitoring
- ALE Application: FTE/Enrollment Reporting
- ALE Application: Managing Learning Credits
- ALE Application: Managing Parent Accounts
- ALE Application: Mass Editing Student Learning Plans
- ALE Application: Mass Initialize Student Learning Plans
- ALE Application: Monitoring Truancy Conditions
- ALE Application: Montioring/Recording Attendance as Secretary
- ALE Application: Notifiying Students or Guardians About Completed Monthly Progress Reviews
- ALE Application: Populating Student Learning Plans with Classes from the SIS
- ALE Application: Recording Grades & Credits Earned for a Class
- ALE Application: Cancel or Delete Class Meetings
- ALE Application: Scheduled Classes - Grid View
- ALE Application: Setting How Subject/Course Records are Affected when Cert Teacher on Student Learning Plan is Changed
- ALE Application: Setting Parent Class Enrollment Limits
- ALE Application: Setting Student Alerts
- ALE Application: Setting Up and Using the Library
- ALE Application: Setting up Substitutes
- ALE Application: Student Attendance Report
- ALE Application: Using the Waitlist Feature