More then Pie Charts on Data Extracts and Chart Views
When creating views (like in data extracts or charts viewer), please include more representations than just a pie chart.
Luckily, of the 28 or so Data Extracts currently available only 4 are pie charts and some of these can be viewed in other ways. For example, the pie chart "Demographic Breakdown" and the line chart "Annual Demographic Breakdown" show you basically the same thing. The 2nd gives you results over time. The real advantage to the 1st is that it allows you to bring in a Student Group, not simply a school. It is the same difference (can use Student Groups in pie, but not in the other) for "Single Assessment Percentages" and "Assessment Annual Percentages."
As for the other two pie charts, personally, I haven't found a use for them yet.
I would like to see us able to bring in Student Groups to all the Data Extracts.
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