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Use the left-hand navigation menu and select “Course Registration” to see a list of courses available to register for. The location of this item is highlighted by the red rectangle in the picture below.
You will see a course under the “ProDev Course Registration” section if a course is available.
Use the Row Actions & Options gear to choose “Register.”
You can see a close-up view of this in the picture below.
You will choose which session(s) you will register for in the resulting form. If only one session is scheduled, it will be automatically selected for you.
If more than one session is available, we can now see a populated list, select the sessions you would like to enroll in by clicking on the check marks, highlighted in the picture below.
Once you have made your selections, click on “Add Course Sessions”.
You will see your selected sections and can also edit the number of credits you would like to request for the course. Then click on the “Save” button at the top right.
We can confirm that we have enrolled by viewing the Course Enrollment page.
Checking Course Enrollment
Quick Start |
After you have selected “My Records” from the left-hand navigation menu, you can view all of your course enrollments you have registered or canceled from by selecting the “Course Enrollment” subpage. By default, this is the page that will load when you select “My Records”. Below we can see the location of “Course Enrollment” highlighted by a red rectangle. If you have not yet enrolled for any courses, this page will be blank.
To see a key that explains all of the icons, click on “instructions” at the top left.
Other actions you can take from this page include canceling enrollment in a course and completing an evaluation after a course has taken place.
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