This report is located in the Reports Application. It allows printing of four (4) years of an Evaluatee's Position Levels, based on the selected ending school year. Users can select one or more Evaluators. It provides the list of Evaluatees assigned to the Evaluator(s) based on the current year's assignments.
See Rp - Reports Guide for more information. If you get a banner noting you don't have access, contact your district Homeroom/SDS Application rep or email
Data Access restricted: The report does check to ensure the user has permission to see the selected Evaluatee's evaluations data either as a current year Evaluator for the selected Evaluatee or an Evaluations Monitor.
Log into at [yourdistirct] with your username and password.
Already logged into a application? You can navigate to the Reports application through the DE (Data Extracts) bundle from the top of the screen.
Click Create New Report
Then navigate Evaluations Custom Reports > Evaluatee Position Level Path Report.>
Click Build Report. Select a Current Year Evaluator and End Year. Click Save And Generate or click the arrow to choose Generate Report.
A message will note that the report is going to be generated. You will receive an email and a notification in the application when the report is ready for downloading.
Example of Report Results
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