In the ALE application, a Data Table has been created to monitor students who meet the truancy conditions identified by OPSI (referenced on pg—41 of the Guide to Offering Alternative Learning Experiences.
- One (1) missed weekly contact without valid justification
- Two (2) consecutive or three (3) cumulative missed weekly contacts without valid justification
- Five (5) consecutive or six (6) cumulative missed weekly contacts without valid justification
In addition, a column has been added identifying students with four (4) consecutive missed weekly contacts without valid justification, as many programs practice exiting students who miss this many consecutive weekly contacts.
The conditions are calculated during the nightly migration and are not updated based on the weekly contact information entered today. Remember that any contact entered today will be reflected in the table after successful data migration.
The table is available on the Secretary and Program Manager Roles under Monitor in the left navigation menu. Choose Truancy Conditions.
By default, only data from student learning plans that have not yet been concluded are displayed, but this can be changed by updating the Concluded column to Yes.
The Columns from left to right include:
- Student Name
- Certificated Teacher - This lists the teacher assigned to this Student’s Learning Plan.
- Grade Level - Student’s current grade level
- Total Missed - This column shows the total number of weeks that have missed contact with no valid justification.
- Max Consecutive Missed - This column shows the maximum number of consecutive weeks that have missed contact with no valid justification.
- Concluded - This column indicates whether the SLP has been concluded and defaults to no.
For the remaining four columns, if the student meets this truancy condition (based on data calculated from the previous day), you will see a yellow triangle icon in the corresponding column
- 1 Missed
- 2 Consecutive/3 Cumulative
- 4 Consecutive
- 5 Consecutive/6 Cumulative
Filters are included on each column header to locate students who meet one or more conditions quickly.
The data table can be downloaded using the Data Table Action gear and selecting Download Data.
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