In the ALE Application, events can be scheduled for parents to register. This functionality can be utilized for events such as field trips, school functions, etc.
To set up an event from the Registrar Role, open the Manage in the left navigation menu and select Event Calendar. Then click the Add Record button.
- Title (Required) This is the name of the event.
- Description (Optional) A brief description of the event is sometimes helpful.
- Location (Optional) This is where the event will be held.
- Records Attendance (Optional, Yes/No) Select Yes from the drop-down menu if you would like to record attendance at the event.
- Required Registration (Optional, Yes/No) Select Yes from the drop-down menu if you would like to require registration for the event.
- Maximum Participants (Optional) This is the maximum number of participants allotted.
- Event Type (Required) Select from the drop-down menu.
- Occurs Once - Event Date (Required)
- Date Range - Start and End Date (Required), Weekday(s) An event will be scheduled between the start and end dates on each selected weekday. (Required - Select Days via checkmark)
- Event is All Day - Check the box if the event is all day. Leave it blank if it is not.
- Start and End Time (Required)
Once all the required fields have been completed, click Validate.
Users will see events on a calendar view from the Event Calendar on the left navigation menu.
Users can select the event they would like to see details for. Click Sign Up to register for the chosen event.
As a Registrar, you can Edit or Delete the scheduled events using the Row Actions & Options gear. Opening the drop-down arrow to the left for a specific event shows registered Attendees and their associated Student(s).
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