Now that the year has begun and you have done the Year-End Evaluations. If it has not been done, it must be done before you can do any other setup/clean-up. Below are a few scenarios and helpful tips to help you change your data. If you need help with any cleanup, please remember you can contact us at
Historical Evaluation Access
- Scenario: Staff should be able to access their historical evaluation records, and/or Evaluators should be allowed to access historical evaluation records for their Evaluatees.
- What To Do: Use the procedure explained in the Evaluations Admin>Year End Rollover Evaluations>Set Evaluation Year Access to Historical Data. This is an annual setting due to the potential for change in district needs and/or bargaining agreements.
Adding an Evaluation Record
- Scenario: A new staff member is hired at the district, so there wasn't an Evaluation Record for them last year.
- What To Do: Use the procedure explained in Evaluations Admin >Evaluations Users and Permissions>Add Evaluation Record or Add Evaluation Record by ApplicationUser Names.
Remove unused Evaluatee record(s) for the Current Year
- Scenario: Teacher(s) or principal(s) Evaluation record was rolled from the previous year to the new year, but they have left the district or retired, and the record is not needed.
- What To Do: Use the procedure explained in the Evaluations Admin>Year End Rollover Evaluations>Delete Unused Current Year Evaluation Record.
Hide A Task Template In The List Of Choices To Add To A Task List
- Scenario: There is a Task Template that is no longer needed and shouldn't be added to someone's task list.
- What To Do: Use the procedure explained in the Evaluations Admin>Tasks>Task Templates.
- Locate the Task Template you want to hide and select it by clicking the radio button to the left of the ID.
- Click the edit button at the bottom of the display to open the Webform.
- Find the option 'Evaluation Task Is Active,'' change from TRUE to FALSE.
- Click 'submit'.
- Repeat for each template you want to hide.
Move Evaluatees From One Evaluator To Another
- Scenario: A principal left, and all their Evaluatees must be moved to a new Evaluator.
- What To Do: There are a few ways this can be done:
- First, use the CSV upload steps in the Update Evaluations Admin>Evaluation Users and Permissions>Update Evaluatees Primary Evaluator procedure.
- OR impersonate the old Evaluator and switch each Evaluatee to the new Evaluator.
- OR, if you have Evaluations MONITOR access, use the edit tool on each Evaluatee to move.
Adding A Name To The Evaluator Dropdown On Evaluator Dashboard
- Scenario: A new Principal or Assistant Principal is hired, and the plan is for another Principal to "hand off" from their Dashboard some Evaluatees.
- What To Do:
- Use the procedure explained in the Evaluations Admin>Evaluation Users and Permissions>Create Evaluator.
- Search for the employee's name, then highlight their name in the list.
- Make sure 'Is Active' is set to TRUE.
- Click 'submit.'
Removing A Name From The Evaluator Dropdown On Evaluator Dashboard
- Scenario: An Evaluator has left the district, so they no longer need to be someone in the dropdown to select.
- What To Do:
- Reassign anyone they are evaluating in the current year to another Evaluator
- Use the procedure explained in the Evaluations Admin>Evaluation Users and Permissions>Deactivate/Activate Evaluator.
- Search for the Evaluator's name, then highlight their name in the list.
- Make sure 'Is Active' is set to FALSE.
- Click 'submit.'
Adding Evaluator To Evaluate An Evaluatee
- Scenario: There are to be two Evaluators assigned to one Evaluatee.
- What To Do: Use the Supplemental Evaluator assignment process outlined in the Evaluator/Monitor Dashboard instructions.
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