Student of Concern Plans is usually created when additional support is needed after the initial intervention.
You can log into the Intervention Plans application with the URL [yourschooldistrictname]
OR from any application. Locate the application bundles in the top right corner of the screen. Click on the Student Plans (SP) icon, Intervention Plans (Iv), and Launch.
Select Create Student Plan from the left navigation menu.
Select a Student by clicking the Select button. Use the Filter Student Search to create a list of students. Click the check mark next to the student's name and click Apply. Remember, the students you see are based on your role and permissions. Next, select the Responsible Educator in charge. If applicable, select Supplemental Educators needing to see or be involved in the plan. Finally, "Is the student currently an English Language Learner?" Choose Yes/No from the drop-down menu.
Click the blue Save button and select Save & Continue from the drop-down menu in the top right corner.
Click Next to move to the next tab.
Student Data
Each page under Student Data is automatically populated.
The Assessment History page displays as a data table. Each column has an Actions and Options gear, allowing you to sort or filter the information.
The Action gear at the top of the container allows for further options, such as grouping/arranging columns or downloading the data.
Click Next to move to the next tab.
Parent Communication Log
Click Add Record. Then select the Recorded Date and the Communication Method, and fill in the Communication.
Optionally, you may select the Last Edited Date, and if the communication was Sent To Parent(s), True/False. Click Add.
Parent Communication Logs may be edited or deleted by clicking the Row Actions & Options button.
Communication History
Shows communication entries from SOC and Intervention plans.
Personal has a drop-down menu to select various options.
Languages: Shows the Home Language and Native Language information.
Skill Level: These selectors are required. Rate the student with a score of 1 to 4 (when compared to peers of the same age). There is also a place for notes if applicable.
1= Very concerned/well below standard, 4= No concerns, well above standard
Strengths and Needs (optional) Notes to be completed by all parties working with the student.
Health Conditions will automatically populate from Skyward.
Hearing/Vision Test Results
HEALTH CONCERNS: Health Diagnosis Exsists / Glasses are Used at School
Yes, it indicates a medical diagnosis needs to be shared. Only share if the medical information is relevant to the meeting.
Click Add Record, and a pop-over screen will appear to select hearing or vision with a checkmark. Click Add Screener Result when finished, then click Add.
Screener types may be edited or deleted by clicking the Row Actions & Options button.
Add General Notes if applicable.
This automatically displays the student's intervention plans.
Add Accommodations that will aid in the success of the plan. Click Add Record to select Accommodations. Filter to find specific accommodations and use the checkmark to select and add.
Drag and drop or browse and upload by clicking Start.
Set a Meeting Date and the Date Form Completed. Optional Meeting Notes and Outcome Summary may be added as well.
You can access your Student of Concern plans through the My Student Plans on the left navigation screen.
Listed are intervention plans by the student. You can Edit, Print, and Delete from this page using the Row Actions & Options gear on the right.
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