In the ALE Application, the following is a list of recommended tasks to complete when wrapping up Student Learning Plans at the close of a school year.
**All WSLPs must be concluded as a final step to wrapping up WSLPs for the school year. This is # 5 in the following list and is the LAST thing you do with WSLPs.**
Review June Overall Monthly Progress
Verify that dates are correct on all Student Learning Plans
Check the overall end dates of each plan for accuracy. This can be done quickly on the All Student Learning Plans page or My Student Learning Plans.
If anything needs to be updated, change the End Date on each plan on the Details Tab in the Time Commitment section. Changing this section will set the plan to a not approved status.
Update all Subject/Course Records with the correct end date and participation status.
Ensure each subject/course record on the plan has an accurate End Date. Update courses to Completed or Withdrawn if not completed. Some programs also choose to keep track of which courses are not completed and continue into the next school year by leaving this status as In Progress and copying these into the next school year. An additional help document details this process titled, Copying in Progress Courses from One School Year to the Next.
You can update subject course records one at a time via the Row Action Gear >> Edit and update the End Date and Participation Status areas.
You can also update one or more courses via the Select Row Actions button.
- Select one or more courses.
- Click on the blue Select Row Actions button.
- Click Edit Selected Courses.
- Make updates to the End Date and Participation Status.
- Click Save.
If needed, assign Grades and Credit Earned for completed courses.
The Certificated Teacher can do this course-by-course on the Results section of the Subject/Course Details page. The Certificated Teacher or Registrar can add grades and credits per class via the Grades Tab. You can find detailed information about this process in the help document titled ALE - Awarding Grades/Credits to a Course.
After all changes to the Student Learning Plan have been made, save a final copy by “Approving” the plan one final time.
This is done by clicking on the Approve Changes button on the Approvals page under the Tracking Tab or the Approved button in the top right corner of the screen on any plan. This step will capture a final PDF version of the plan as it existed at the end of the year.
Conclude ALL WSLPs.
Concluding WSLPs will mark any courses left in the null or ‘In Progress’ as withdrawn. Concluding WSLPs can not be undone. This is the final step you would take to wrap up the WLSP for the year. If you would like to copy In Progress courses into the next school year, you must do this before concluding WSLPs. Copying in Progress Courses from One School Year to the Next.
Concluding WSLPs can be done by the SLP Certificated Teacher via Certificated Teacher>>Student Learning Plans >> My Student Learning Plans
- Click the Row Action Gear for the student you want to conclude.
- Click Conclude.
This can also be done en masse via Registrar>>Student Learning Plans >> All Student Learning Plans.
- Select one or more students
- Click Selected Row Actions.
- Click Conclude SLPs
Printing Student Learning Plans - One Student
You can print Student Learning Plans in several locations.
- The current plan can be generated with the Row Action gear from the All Student Learning Plans or My Student Learning Plans pages.
- The current plan can also be generated from the Page Action gear on the Details Tab of any single Student Learning Plan.
- Each plan evolution over the year can be downloaded via the Download File links on the Approvals page.
- A unique Audit Print will include all plan versions over the school year, the associated information for each subject/course, weekly contact records, and monthly progress reports. This can be generated from the Page Action gear on the Details Tab of any single Student Learning Plan.
Printing Student Learning Plans - More than one Student
Plans for one or more selected students can be printed via the All Student Learning Plans or My Student Learning Plans page. Use the checkmarks at the left to select one or more rows, then via the blue Selected Rows Action at the top right, choose Print Written SLP.
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