Every so often, a group of Student Learning Plans needs the same update. The Registrar or Program Manager has the option to update the following fields for a group of learning plans all at the same time:
- Certificated Teacher
- Supplemental Certificated Teacher
- SLP Start and End Date
- How Weekly Contact Requirements will be Fulfilled
On the Registrar or Program Manager Role, navigate to Student Learning Plans in the left navigation and choose All Student Learning Plans. Use the checkmarks on the left to select the plans you would like to make edits to, then using the Selected Row Actions menu at the top right, choose Edit Student Learning Plans.
The following form will appear. Update one or more available fields. If no selection is made for a particular field, that field on the selected plans will not be affected. Make any necessary updates and click Save.
- Certificated Teacher
- Supplemental Certificated Teacher(s
- SLP Start and End Date
- How weekly contact requirements will be fulfilled
Additional Notes:
- Any edits made in this form are not additive but will replace/overwrite the current data for all selected SLPs. For example, if you already have a default certificated teacher assigned to all plans and are attempting to add a second, you will want to choose both the existing default and the new one you are adding.
- Edits made via this feature will not require that learning plans be re-approved. For example, updating the Certificated Teacher assigned to plans will not cause them to be moved to “unapproved” status.
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