Once a Student Learning Plan (SLP) has been "Initiated" and the Details tab has been filled out, the plan is now ready for the Certificated Teacher to add courses to. Student Learning Plans will be visible in the All Student Learning Plans and the My Student Learning Plans list for the assigned Certificated Teacher. Both lists have a default filter showing only the current year's plans, so this may need to be toggled to see plans created for the upcoming school year.
To Edit a plan, click on the student's name. You will land on the Subjects/Courses Tab under SLP Courses. Click the Add button in the upper right corner to add the first course.
The following box will appear, where you can make selections for adding a course to the plan.
Course Template (optional) If you have a pre-defined course template in your course catalog, you can select a course, automatically backfilling the corresponding subject area and state course code if defined in the course.
You may also build a course from start to finish here, making individual selections for Subject Area and State Course Code for this one student's plan without an associated "course" from your catalog.
Course Title (required)
Subject Area (required) From a selectable list, you may choose one of the State Subject Areas defined by the OSPI CEDARs manual.
State Course Code (required) From a selectable list, you may choose one of the State Course Codes defined by the OSPI CEDARs manual. If a State Subject Area has been selected, the resulting State Course Codes will be filtered to that Subject Area.
Description (optional)
*A separate help document that walks through all the steps for Creating a Course is available.
Grade Level: This defaults to the student's enrolled grade level but can be manually changed to accommodate students studying one particular course off grade level.
ALE Class Type: Here, you will choose one of the four identified ALE Course types designated by the state for this particular course:
- Remote
- Online
- Site-based (weekly)
- Site-based (less than weekly)
*This can be set to default if that is helpful for your program.
Certificated Teacher: If a Certificated Teacher was designated on the Course record and a Course was added to this plan, this will display that teacher. If no course was chosen or a Certificated Teacher was not associated with that particular course, this will default to the Certificated Teacher assigned to the plan. In either case, it can be edited as needed.
Start Date/End Date: By default, these are set to this Student Learning Plan's start and end dates but can be updated as needed.
Average Hours Per Week: If an amount was set on the course, this will autofill based on the estimated hours per week the student will devote to this course. This can be individualized for this student at this time if needed. If no hours were defined on the course, that can be set now. Some programs choose not to identify hours spent per course; this field can be left blank.
Participation Status: From this selectable list, you can indicate that a course is In Progress, Planned, Withdrawn, Dropped, or Completed. If no selection is made, the system considers the course "in progress" based on start and stop dates.
Once all desired selections are made, click the Ok button at the top right corner to add the course to the plan. A new screen titled Update Core Subject Area and Course.
If a predefined Course was selected, all of the associated data has now been copied into this Subject/Course record for this student. It can be edited to meet their individualized needs.
If no Course was selected, this interface can now define the accompanying data. To save changes, click Ok in the top right corner.
Once the course is ready, it should be Approved. This can be done course-by-course, using the Row Action gear at the right of each course and selecting Approve. Or when all courses are complete, click Approve All at the top right. In addition, if you are just building the learning plan at the start of the year, you can skip this step, and all courses will be marked as "approved" when the overall plan is approved.
Continue adding courses as desired to the plan. Courses can be edited any time by using the Row Action gear at the right of the course to select which section you want to edit: Details, Activities/Objectives, or Timelines/Methods for Evaluation.
*Note: Only the Certificated Teacher assigned to the SLP, any Supplemental Certificated Teachers assigned to the plan, or the Certificated Teacher assigned to teach that course can make edits to the course. All others will have view-only rights.
Hiding Subject/Course Records
A student learning plan's subject/course records can be Hidden rather than completely deleted to ensure that no vital information is ever mistakenly deleted.
In the Subject/Courses Tab of the Student Learning Plan, click the Row Action gear associated with the record you'd like to hide. Then select Hide from the menu.
A warning flag will display, asking if you are sure you'd like to take this action.
Once the Hide action is taken, the subject/course record will have a participation status of Hidden. The subject/course record is never deleted, only hidden from view. Courses with a Hidden participation status will no longer be included in any Monthly Progress Review.
Subject/course records with a Hidden participation status will be filtered from the subject/course table by default.
By using the Participation Status filter, they can be selected for display.
To restore this subject/course record, the Certificated Teacher assigned to this subject/course record or assigned to oversee the plan can choose Edit Details, change the participation status to In Progress or Null (Blank), and update the start/end dates.
After restoring the record, once again, update the Participation Status filter so that records with a "Hidden" participation status are not displayed.
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