There is a distinct difference between Courses and Classes in the ALE Application. Here we will outline those differences.
A Course can be created and saved in the ALE Application with the attached content. Once created, these courses become a template - available to copy directly to Written Student Learning Plans or to Schedule Class Meetings based on that content.
- Courses can include goals, objectives, standards, learning activities, methods of evaluation, and timelines.
- District-approved curriculum, materials needed, and other resources can be outlined.
- Once built, a course template stays active in your catalog until it is inactive.
- When a template is copied to a student learning plan, you may then individualize that content for the student without affecting the course template itself.
Additional Documentation about Creating a Course.
In the ALE application, you can schedule a “Class.” A class has certain characteristics:
- It involves a group of students
- There is a regular time and place the class meets in a certain location, for a certain term (semester/quarter)
- The class may or may not be tied to a course.
- Classes can be added to a student schedule (by parents, if set up that way, the certificated teacher or a registrar)
- Attendance can be recorded for the class (and if done by a certificated teacher, this will generate weekly contact records)
Additional Documentation about Creating a Class.
OSPI defines this difference as
“Courses are units of study, i.e., English 9, geometry, grade 3 comprehensive studies, Science 8. Classes are in-person experiences that support the courses listed on a student’s WSLP. Students may only be enrolled in classes directly connected to the courses on their WSLP. For example, A student with only ELA, Math 6, Social Studies on their WSLP may not take a science class in horticulture, but a student in a 6th grade comprehensive course may.”
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