This application enables you to share your data visually. There are hundreds of charts to choose from, all arranged in meaningful categories: Monitor Progress, Compare Performance, and View.
- Charts Poster: Monitor Progress
- Charts can be used to monitor the progress of groups and individual students.
- Charts Poster: Compare Performance
- Charts for comparing the performance of two or more groups of students.
- Charts Poster: Distributions
- Charts that can be used to view distributions for groups of students.
- Examples include the distributions of demographic characteristics, such as ethnicity, language, and gender. You can also view the distributions of grades and credits for specified groups of students.
- Charts Poster: Program Participation
- Charts can be used to view program participation rates of groups of students.
Behavior SWIS Data - Referral Counts Discipline / Consequence Proportionality |
View discipline data from various perspectives. Information may help districts monitor the effectiveness of behavioral systems and note trends in specific incidents or referrals. |
Behavior / Chronic Absence
Monitor Annual Progress Charts
Compare Annual Performance Charts
Chronic Absenteeism - Absence / Attendance Counts Monitor Progress of District - Attendance 90% or Better. Comparing Performance of Gender, Race, Program, Student Groups - Attemdamce 90% or Better Senior Drop Out /Graduate Percentage Attendance / Course / Enrollment Proportionality Activity Proportionality Demographic / Program Distributions |
View attendance data reported through a variety of perspectives. For example, multiple chart views allow you to isolate and/or compare unexcused absence averages, tardy averages, and absence averages. Multiple options for interval enrollment statuses allow for various purposes, including enrollment status, tracking student withdrawals, demographic criteria, and participation rates for programs, classes, and activities. This information is helpful for Federal and State reporting, Grants, effectiveness tracking, or visual comparative purposes. For Instance,
Chronic Absences Chronic Absences - Elementary Monitor Annual Progress Chart
Compare Annual Performance Chart
Comparing Performance of Student Groups - Grade Distribution Average Count of D and F Counts Grades Proportionality GPA Distribution Senior Completion Distribution Levels |
GPA for a particular student group by percent and count in a particular demographic, program Current cumulative GPA Credits Earned/Failed/Attempted Accomplishment Gradebook Grade Count / Assignment Count CAA/CIA
Monitor Annual Progress Charts
Compare Annual Performance Charts
Risk |
Risk Indicator Value |
Student Growth Annual Performance Level % on Multiple Assessments Annual Performance Level % on Multiple Assessments as a Cohort Annual /Historical Percentage Meeting Standard Assessment Proportionality |
Percentage of students in a given group scored at each performance level. The big picture looks at assessment results for a specific group of students or to show overall performance without individual student data for presentations. How a group of students did on two assessments using a scatter plot. This extract can determine how student scores on two assessments correlate. For example, districts can see how well a benchmark test predicts performance on the associated state assessment. |
Monitor Annual Progress Chart
Compare Annual Performance Charts
Evaluation Performance Level Counts by Criterion Evaluation Progress by Building Evaluation Progress by Task Type |
Display the counts of each performance level in each criterion, based on the selections made on: Task Template, Position Level (optional), School (optional), and School Year. Evaluation Progress by Building Evaluation Progress by Task Type Some ideas on how a district might use this chart:
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