Student Growth Chart
This chart is also located in the Charts Application. See CH - Charts Guide for more information.
This chart shows student growth from one assessment to another where performance levels are used. This is a longitudinal cohort chart; students must have taken both selected assessments to be included in the chart. Teachers find this chart useful to show student growth to monitor instruction and as evidence for TPEP.
This Chart has three sections: # of students, Level Change Totals, and Cohort Change.
# of students This displays the count of students from each level change possibility. Click on the count of students to reveal the students in the count. A static student group may be created/added from this display. |
Level Change Totals This displays the count of students for each number of level changes and the total student and level counts. |
Cohort Change This displays the average number of level changes per student in the group. In addition, the percentage of students who either grew levels or maintained proficiency is displayed. |
Log into the Evaluations V2 Application [yourdistirct]
For specific tasks, there is the Charts section. To add charts other than the Student Growth Chart, click on the + icon.
In the pop-up window at the bottom, click Launch Chart Manager.
Click Create New Chart on the left navigation panel to access the Chart.
Click the Browse Category button under By Purpose > Monitor Progress > Of A Student Group > on Assessments > Student Growth.
> > > >
Under Student Group, Select a Student Group from the pop-up window.
Click Assessment 1, search, and choose the 1st chronological assessment of the two assessments.
Click Assessment 2, search, and choose the 2nd chronological assessment of the two assessments.
Click Render Chart.
Once the chart has been rendered, under the Action Gear Icon, you have options to save the chart or download it. If saved, the charts and their selections will be available in the My Charts on the left panel of the Charts Application.
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