All districts must have procedures for identifying Native American/Alaska Native students who qualify for Title III. Students identified as Native American with any one of the Washington State Races selected and academically at risk may qualify for Title III supplemental instructional support.
A Student Data Grid can be created to review pertinent data to determine if students are academically at risk. Some of the data points districts have used in this process are included in the directions below. These are just suggestions and can be modified per district.
Student group containing Native American students. NOTE: See Homeroom Dashboards - Creating/Editing Student Groups for directions on creating this Student Group.
From Homeroom, click on the Student Data Grids icon and click Create New Data Grids on the left navigation menu.
Name: 'Native American Students - Are They Struggling' then click the arrow next to the Save button and choose Save & Continue.
Column Configuration
This brings you to the Columns tab, where we configure the various columns of the Data Grid. Add a column by clicking the “+.” For example, use the following data column configurations:
SSID: Find the Student Data Columns, and click SSID.
Last Name: Find the Student Data Columns, and click the Action Gear next to Name. Select LastName from the drop-down list and click Save.
First Name: Find the Student Data Column, and click the Action Gear next to Name. Select FirstName from the drop-down list and click Save. You should now have 3 data columns.
Click in the Sort Order box for column 2 Student Name – LastName – 1:B, and type in the number ‘1’. This will order your data grid by the student's last name. Then, click the Save button in the top right corner.
NOTE: It’s always a good idea to save periodically to ensure the loss of Internet connectivity doesn’t lose the most recent work done.
Birthdate: Find the Student Data Columns, and click Birthdate.
Gender: Find the Demographics Data Columns, and click Gender.
Race/ethnicity: Find the Demographics Data Column, and click the Action Gear for Federal Race Code. Click the check box next to Federal Race Label and click Save.
School: Find the Enrollments Data Column, and click Current Predominant School.
NOTE: If the student attends more than one school, this will provide the 'Predominant' school the student attends when the Data Grid is run.
Grade Level: Find the Enrollments Data Column, click Current Grade Level, then click the Save button in the top right corner.
ELL Status: Find the Services Data Column, and click Services. Click the Select button for Service.
Search for the service your district uses to specify ELL. In this instance, we have chosen Bilingual Education by clicking the checkmark to the left of the Bilingual Education service. Click Apply.
Under Columns to Include, click the box next to Status, and under Styles, remove the word 'Status' and type 'ELL Status - Current.' NOTE: This will be the column header title. Click Save.
Click Save again.
Services Status: Follow the same steps used for 'ELL Status' to include the status of any service the student might be receiving. This will help to determine if the student needs services through ELL or if they are receiving services in other areas that may help. Services helpful include Special Education, 504, Title 1, or LAP.
Assessments: Find the Assessments Data Column, and click Assessments. Look for Set Time Span and select Last School Year from the drop-down menu. NOTE: As this Data Grid is most likely needed at the beginning of a school year, this will gather data from last year.
Click the Select button for Assessments and use the Filter Search Results to find an appropriate assessment (e.g., SBA ELA), then click the checkmark to the left. NOTE: Choose the assessments appropriate for the grade levels the Data Grid will be run for. In this instance, we chose SBA ELA Gr 3, 4, and 5 as the Data Grid will be run for Elementary students.
Click Apply.
Clicking the box next to Most Recent Score will search for the most recent score for your selected Assessment(s).
Under Columns to Include: click the box next to Score, and under Styles, remove the word 'Score' and replace it with 'Most Recent SBA ELA Score.' Click Save.
NOTE: This configuration will return the student's most recent score for any of these assessments, last year. If it is important to know which assessment the score is for, click the box next to Assessment Name under Columns to Include and click Save.
Follow these directions for adding as many assessments as needed to help accurately determine the student's needs.
Once you have added all the data columns, click the arrow next to the Save button and choose Save & Continue.
To run the Data Grid for the appropriate students, the Native American student group must be created. If that has not been done, please do so now.
From the Report Tab: Click the Select Student Group.
Select Current School Year, My Groups, and click the ‘+’ button next to the name of the Native American student group. Type in a File Name (this is optional). Click the Send Spreadsheet Report.
An email has been sent that will allow the user to download the Student Data Grid. For more information, visit Download Student Data Grid.
(updated 2/13/2023)
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